L asks me, "What's a lesbian?"
"Where'd you hear that word?" I ask him.
"Sophie told me."
Sophie was on his Little League team last year. Smart kid; great swing.
"What did she say?" I ask.
"She said Britney Spears shaved her head and now she's a lesbian," he tells me.
"A lesbian is a woman who prefers women to men," I say. "Shaving your head doesn't tell anybody anything about whether you're more likely to fall in love with a woman or a man."
He's confused, but adament. "Yes it does. Check online."
"Trust me," I tell him, but he's already moving to the computer, and typing:
There is no there there. He hasn't made the distinction yet between the address line and the search line, and I'm not inclined to help--especially because earlier, in the grocery store, he asked, "What's rape?"
Little rich kids, swinging on the swings. What a soup.
D., my first-born, way back, at 9, and I, were watching "Phyllis." (That'll date us.)
Someone used the word "gay."
"What's that?"
"It means a man who is attracted to other men instead of women."
"Oh, like lesbians, only men."
Many kids are hearing those things in the songs and shows that they watch. I cannot tell you how many of my second graders will tell me about the movie Friday the 13th. It is then that I tell them that if they are watching that stuff, their parents aren't doing their jobs.....
Be happy he is asking those questions and not some one else.
I love that kid.....
Better to have you explain it than learning things the way I did!
Most of which was wrong, of course!
when i was in 2nd grade, and we were standing in line to go in after recess, i taught all the kids every nasty curse word there was to know...it is good that they hear it all from you...always tell them the truth...
you're doing a fantabulous job...always know that...
~ n
p.s. i want to know who sent you the roses!!
~ signed nosey bitch
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