Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Answer Key

Somebody gave me these beautiful flowers. Can you believe that color?...
L asks me, "What's a lesbian?"

"Where'd you hear that word?" I ask him.

"Sophie told me."

Sophie was on his Little League team last year. Smart kid; great swing.

"What did she say?" I ask.

"She said Britney Spears shaved her head and now she's a lesbian," he tells me.

"A lesbian is a woman who prefers women to men," I say. "Shaving your head doesn't tell anybody anything about whether you're more likely to fall in love with a woman or a man."

He's confused, but adament. "Yes it does. Check online."

"Trust me," I tell him, but he's already moving to the computer, and typing:

There is no there there. He hasn't made the distinction yet between the address line and the search line, and I'm not inclined to help--especially because earlier, in the grocery store, he asked, "What's rape?"

Little rich kids, swinging on the swings. What a soup.


Grumpy Old Man said...

D., my first-born, way back, at 9, and I, were watching "Phyllis." (That'll date us.)

Someone used the word "gay."

"What's that?"

"It means a man who is attracted to other men instead of women."

"Oh, like lesbians, only men."

Mary said...

Many kids are hearing those things in the songs and shows that they watch. I cannot tell you how many of my second graders will tell me about the movie Friday the 13th. It is then that I tell them that if they are watching that stuff, their parents aren't doing their jobs.....

Be happy he is asking those questions and not some one else.

I love that kid.....


alan said...

Better to have you explain it than learning things the way I did!

Most of which was wrong, of course!


nancy =) said...

when i was in 2nd grade, and we were standing in line to go in after recess, i taught all the kids every nasty curse word there was to is good that they hear it all from you...always tell them the truth...

you're doing a fantabulous job...always know that...


~ n

nancy =) said...

p.s. i want to know who sent you the roses!!

~ signed nosey bitch