My uncle Liam and his wife are transportable people. Their homes, now free of children, are easily packed up--light on stuff. I envy them the space they seem to have, even in homes small enough for two--homes with no closets or drawers. But it takes time to let go of things. Spalding Gray's obituary, for instance. Now brown--you have to work at it to read it. Same with Bukowski's. Something about obituaries appeals to me. Yesterday I tossed Spalding, but kept Bukowski, and not because I prefer Bukowski but because in the precarious caluclation of value only I can apply, I have other more precious Spalding items in other boxes.
I have three fat pine cones. One of them I knicked from Epidauros when I traveled there shortly after Jim died in Athens. It's a fairly well-traveled tourist site now, and there are signs that tell you not to take anything when you leave. So I left the stones, but took a pine cone. Sadly, I don't know which of the three pine cones is THE pine cone, and so I'm having trouble reducing the mass.
Books are the worst of it. I'm never really going to read all those history of religion books again. The small-press poetry that didn't appeal to me the first time I read it. The enormous stack of Granta volumes. Who needs the OED in the internet age? I'm never going to crack the history of science books. I'm never going to read Whitehead again--I mean, seriously. But I can't get rid of Whitehead; I pored over his convoluted universe for too many months, with Jim and without him. So I drew a line: books of synthesis and analysis I'm giving away. The originals I'll keep. 10 boxes in the back of my car, heading to the library this afternoon. My shelves have air on them, and it's a better feeling than I thought it would be. I thought I'd feel loss.
You get why a person might shave her head.
spalding gray? you amaze me sometimes, inger. in a good way. happy purging! it does feel good.
That is one of the first orders of business after I escape GM. I am truly a packrat and we have to find the walls again...
I don't know if any books are going to go, but lots of other things are!
Congratulations on having the willpower to do something about it!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Transplante de Cabelo, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.
i've often thought of shaving my head...and i have really long hair...then that samson/delilah thing comes into play...
i had a dumpster in my driveway this time last year...and anything that didn't go in the dumpster went onto the patio, and people came by and took whatever they wanted...
i'm free....
all good thoughts coming your way...always...
~ n
Inger, I'm watching the tube last night and it must be sweeps week or something cause Dr. Phil has an ad running for his program on Monday about a woman who hordes. The pictures were terrifying! So something must be in the air!
I go through this process all the time. I commend you dear and send all of you loads of love...which you should embrace and then toss!
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