Despite my occasional morose spurts, in life--away from the blog--I tend to be fairly optimistic. I tend to have a stupid faith that things will sort out--that tough times will pass, that good things will come. It's an American trait--I've had it pointed it out to me by Indian friends, who find it annoying. But we get to decide where to put the periods in the life narrative, and so we also can choose what notes the sentences end on: good news or bad. Good is easier to live with. Why not?
Today I calculated that I spend nearly $175 a week on gas. $70 for each fillup, 2.5 times a week. That's a shitload of cash pouring into the tank. Not much I can do about it; the commuter train ends 20 minutes south of my office, and there's no bus. There are good reasons we can't move right now--too much to recount here. Oil for this house will be double what it was a year ago: about $10K this year. Oil company kindly sent a notice with our projected spending calculated for us. Yale sent me, in the same mailbox, a reminder that I still need to pay them the $3,000.00 deductible owed on my surgery. That's the deductible I pay WITH my employer-subsidized health insurance. Like, wow.
It's not easy, certainly. But were I were earning the average American salary, we'd be screwed, totally.
Mamma needs a paradigm shift. Things in the old one are looking mighty bad. Mighty bad.
We depressives know that the glass is half empty. But we're cheerful because it SHOULD be completely empty.
A bleak outlook on life is the beginning of wisdom. Things can only get better.
This summer I am fillng once a week. I am not looking forward to the start of school, when I fill at least twice a week.
My insurance is so terrible, I cannot afford to have my bunyon (SP) done. It hurts like hell everyday. Damn, I don't even cover Kiran on my insurance as it would cost me $600 a month with a $30 co payment. When are things going to change in this country.
I still can't find a damn dog to adopt for Kiran. Everyone wants someone at home during the day. Who is at home during the day???
Grinning all the way to the bank "they" are, I swear!
One of many reasons my gym is in my basement now, instead of my driving to the one at work that has limited hours now. My last work day was back in June and with the errands I've run in my truck I've only burnt a 1/4 tank. Very glad Dottie's Malibu averages 29 around town!
I read the other day that 33 of "the Johns" advisors came from the oil wonder he's backing the Halliburton line!
Best of luck in all of this; I wish there was a light at the end of the tunnel, but I fear it's only a diesel locomotive!
All the years I lived in Europe taught me not to convert from dollars to Francs and after the conversion to Euros!
I guess we need to do the same here in the good ole US of A.
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